
Implementation of approved amendments in respect of Kvalitena’s notes

30 juli, 2020

Kvalitena AB (publ) (“Kvalitena” or the “Company”) announced earlier this week that the amendments of the terms and conditions of its senior unsecured floating rate notes with ISIN SE0009664949 (the ”Notes”) proposed by the written procedure initiated on 8 July 2020 have been approved by the noteholders.

The amendments have now been implemented. The amended and restated terms and conditions of the Notes are available at the Company’s website (www.kvalitena.se).

Kvalitena AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:
Jonas Vestin, interim CEO, +46 707 66 00 70, jonas.vestin@kvalitena.se

Implementation of amendments – Kvalitena – 2020-07-30

Approval of written procedure in respect of Kvalitena’s Notes

28 juli, 2020

Kvalitena AB (publ) (“Kvalitena” or the “Company”) today announces that the written procedure initiated on 8 July 2020 in respect of its senior unsecured floating rate notes with ISIN SE0009664949 (the ”Notes”) has been successfully concluded.

The written procedure was initiated in order to obtain the noteholders’ approval to amend the terms and conditions for the Notes as described in the notice of the written procedure. The notice of the written procedure and the proposed amendments are available at the Company’s website (www.kvalitena.se).

A sufficient number of votes were obtained in order to form a quorum and a requisite majority of the voting noteholders voted in favour of the request to amend the terms and conditions of the Notes.

Implementation of the amendments pursuant to the written procedure will be announced in a separate press release.

Kvalitena AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:
Jonas Vestin, interim CEO, +46 707 66 00 70, jonas.vestin@kvalitena.se

Approval of written procedure – Kvalitena – 2020-07-28

Maribel AS

15 juli, 2020

Kvalitena has been notified that Maribel AS filed for bankruptcy in Oslo yesterday afternoon, 14 July 2020. Kvalitena has a NOK 50 million (approx. SEK 48.4 million) equity investment in Maribel AS, which represents approx. 1.5% of Kvalitena’s SEK 3,2 billion equity as of 30 June, 2020. The bankruptcy will have a negative non-recurring effect on Kvalitena’s earnings during the third quarter of 2020 but is not considered to have a material impact on Kvalitena’s financial position.

For further information please contact:
Seth Lieberman, Executive Chairman of the Board, seth.lieberman@kvalitena.se, +46 (0) 8 121 317 00

Kvalitena AB (publ) begär ett skriftligt förfarande med sina obligationsinnehavare för att ändra vissa villkor gällande bolagets obligationslån av serie 2017/2020 om upp till 1 mdkr

8 juli, 2020

Kvalitena AB (publ) (”Bolaget”) har begärt att Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ) (”Agenten”) inleder ett skriftligt förfarande för obligationsinnehavarna att överväga en begäran om att ändra vissa villkor i Bolagets upp till SEK obligationslån ISIN SE0009664949.

Se nedan för länkar till pressmeddelandet och meddelandet till obligationsinnehavarna.

För ytterligare information vänligen kontakta:
tf VD Jonas Vestin, +46 707 66 00 70, jonas.vestin@kvalitena.se

Kvalitena AB (publ) – Notice of written procedure (amendment request)

Kvalitena – Press release (2020-07-08)

Kvalitena AB (publ) publicerar årsredovisning för 2019

15 juni, 2020

Kvalitena publicerar Årsredovisning 2019, för att läsa årsredovisningen klicka på länken nedan eller se finansiell info – finansiella rapporter.

Kvalitena AB (publ) årsredovisning 2019